Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year Resolutions

This seems to be the year of the non resolution.  People are talking more about committing to be more present in their life or happier and are leaving it at that.  I've had years like that.  Years were my resolutions were to eat more cake and laugh more. For me, this year is about tangible goals.  Goals that I will be proud of myself for achieving.  

I found an excellent article on  New Years Resolutions.  It is here if you are interested.  The first paragraph encapsulates the article perfectly.  

"New Year’s Resolutions are promises we make to ourselves about a future vision we wish to achieve, but much more often than not, we lack the strategy, commitment, focus, and accountability to make them a reality.  An Anthony Robbins coach once said to me, “I don’t care what my clients want.  I care what they’re committed to achieving.” The same is true for resolutions – it doesn’t matter what you “want” in life.  What matters is how ready, willing, and committed you are to bringing it into being"

As I look at my list of 15 resolutions, I am thinking to myself what am I committed to achieving?  I did well with last years resolution.  I have dieted, lost weight, and kept most of it off. I increased my physical activity and worked out consistently 2-5 times a week.  All year.  I built myself up to 30 mile bike rides and have the giant leg muscles to prove it.  But I can still do MORE.  I think the health goals, having already been in place for a year, provide a great foundation to build on. 

With my resolutions I asked myself three important questions.  How will I get there?  What does success look like? and When am I checking in on my progress?  My google calender is going to be instrumental in keeping me honest with my check ins!   Here are my health goals for 2013.

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