Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stupid Supinating Foot

My gym is kind of crappy.  It's also kind of cheap, so I pay every month anyway.  I hadn't been there since April.  April was about the time I got a bike and started cycling three days a week as my workout.  But it's been very hot, and very stormy and I still needed to burn calories.  Off to to the gym I went, and I was determined to give running a shot.

"My cardio has to be better" I told myself.  " My leg muscles are bigger and stronger and I weigh less, I might be able to do it".

My breathing became rapid, I started getting excited, I was frustrated by the slow moving cars in front of me.  I wanted to get to the gym.  I wanted to run.

I scanned my card and headed across the gym like I owned the place.  Sure, I hadn't been there in three months but I'd lost 10 lbs, and had made myself stronger and faster.

It started well.  I was able to run at the pace I quit at back in March, and it had taken me 3 months to get there the first time.  My breathing was good and I believe the rest of my body could have pushed on for a good 30 minutes of intervals.

My right foot however, continues to vehemently disagree.  The side wedges and $100 running shoes I bought aren't even helping anymore.  My ankle was nearly turning out, the cramping of my right leg started by interval three.  I made it through 15 minutes and my foot/ankle/leg were done.

This reaffirms that I REALLY need to get to a foot doctor.  I love cycling, and I will forever be thankful for that it came into my life when it did.  With that being said, there is something about running that calls me back.  My high pony tail swishing, the sound of my feet hitting the ground, the mind games, there is just nothing else like it.  I can't do it until I get to a foot doctor and do something about my feet. 

I need a wand so I can magic my supinating feet away and get nice functioning ones instead.

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