Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happiness Is The Little Things 6.15.2012

1.  Bean Bag Toss

My husband and I have been going out at night and playing lawn games.  Sunshine and friendly competition is a great way to end the night.
2.  Chocolate Shot Gel!

The difference between a long ride without fuel and a long ride with fuel is intense.  I am attracted to the Goo's and blocks because they are formulated to have everything.  I know I could just eat a banana or nuts but this way I know my bases are covered.  They are small, which is a bonus when you are on bike.  That are also good!  I was really surprised!  My Aunt T told me they taste like chocolate frosting, which turned me off.  I don't like frosting at all.  But it really just taste like a chocolate bar.  Not to sweet, the texture isn't bad, and you are refueled and ready to keep riding!  Cheapest I've found them so far is $1 at Giant Eagle.

3.  Sunglasses

When I turned 30 I started getting food induced migraines.  Nothing in this world is more glorious then putting on sunglasses when you have a migraine.  Also, less squinting = less wrinkles, and I am all about that. 

4. Dutch Apple Pie

I could exist off of a diet of potatoes, coke, steak, and dutch apple pie and be completely happy with my life.  Something about crumbs just makes everything more delicious.

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